23-24 October 2022
Room 416, T1 building, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone

Theoretical approach in nuclear astrophysics I: Big-Bang cosmology

24 Oct 2022, 08:00
1h 30m



Prof. Toshitaka Kajino (Beihang University, China)


My course lectures will cover the basics and fundamentals in nuclear astrophysics and cosmology. The ultimate goal is to explore what we are made of, why and how the universe began and evolved, and whether we are alone in the universe. For this goal I will lecture on nuclear physics in explosive nucleosynthesis in the Big-Bang universe, supernovae and neutron star mergers. In the near future, humans will surely develop their activities in space. We need to be prepared by studying how and when the atomic nuclei that make up our life were created, and what important roles they have played so far in the evolution of the universe, galaxies, and stars.

Presentation Materials