24-28 October 2022
La Thanh Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
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Neutrino-induced nucleosynthesis in supernovae as a probe of neutrino mass hierarchy and the roles of neutrino-nucleus and radioactive nuclear reactions

28 Oct 2022, 11:49


Poster (online) Poster Poster session - II


Xingqun Yao (Beihang Univ.)


The $\nu$-process nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae is a sensitive probe of unknown neutrino mass hierarchy through the Mikheyev–Smirnov–Wolfenstein effect of neutrino flavor conversion in matter. The $\nu$-process depends on not only the neutrino-induced $\nu$-nucleus reactions but also many other nuclear reactions. Based on updated theoretical calculations and experimental result of these reaction cross sections, we first discuss the dependence of the resultant nuclear abundances of $^7$Li, $^7$Be, $^{11}$B, and $^{11}$C on cross sections of the $\nu$ reactions on $^4$He, $^{12}$C and $^{16}$O, and 91 different strong and electromagnetic interaction cross sections, related to $^7$Li, $^7$Be, $^{11}$B, and $^{11}$C. It is found that the $^{11}$C($\alpha,p)^{14}$N reaction rate is more effective to the $^{11}$C abundance than other reactions we studied. The uncertainty of the $^{11}$C($\alpha,p)^{14}$N reaction is estimated in the present study taking into account experimental data and resonance structure. We secondly discuss how to constrain the hierarchy from the careful and quantitative comparison between our theoretical calculation and the measured isotopic abundance ratio $^7$Li/$^{11}$B in SiC-X presolar grains, which are called the supernova grains. It is found that inverted hierarchy is more favorable statistically although the confidence level is weak at 2-$\sigma$. Reduction of the uncertainties in the reaction rates with precise experiments takes the key to constrain the neutrino mass hierarchy.

Please select a main topic related to your abstract Explosive Stellar Objects and Nuclear Physics

Primary authors

Xingqun Yao (Beihang Univ.) Toshitaka Kajino (Beihang University, School of Physics) Motohiko Kusakabe (Beihang University)

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