24-28 October 2022
La Thanh Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
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Nuclear Physics of Accreting Neutron Stars

27 Oct 2022, 08:30



Prof. Hendrik Schatz (Michigan State University)


Accreting neutron stars show a broad range of observable phenomena that probe the properties of neutron stars. These phenomena are powered by nuclear reactions of proton-rich and neutron-rich unstable isotopes and include various types of X-ray bursts as well as the cooling neutron star crust in transiently accreting systems. Burst and crust observables are linked as the ashes of bursts determines composition and nuclear reactions in the crust, and heat generated in the crust impacts burst behavior. I will review the current understanding of the relevant nuclear processes and their link to astrophysical observables. I will also present the status of experimental programs at NSCL and FRIB facility to address open nuclear physics questions in X-ray bursts and accreted neutron star crusts, including the new SECAR recoil separator.

Primary author

Prof. Hendrik Schatz (Michigan State University)

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